






die casting products





  • 原理:液体金属を加圧下で鋳型に注入する。この圧力により、金属が素早く均一に鋳型に充填され、高品質で正確な寸法の鋳物が製造されます。
  • 用途圧力ダイカストは、主にエンジン部品、ギア、ベアリングなど、高い強度と精度を必要とする部品の製造に使用されます。
  • 利点高圧射出により、金属は素早く均一に金型に充填され、ボイドや収縮空洞の発生を抑える。


  • 原理液体金属は重力によって金型に流れ込む。金型は通常、液体金属が金型に流れ込むゲートで設計されています。
  • 用途重力ダイカストは、主に自動車部品や家具部品など、高い精度を必要としない単純な部品を製造するために使用されます。
  • 利点装置はシンプルで低コスト、大量生産に適している。


  • 原理液体金属を低い圧力で金型に注入する。この圧力は重力ダイカストと高圧ダイカストの中間に位置する。
  • 用途低圧ダイカストは、家電部品、建築部品など、中程度の複雑さと精度を持つ部品の生産に適しています。
  • 利点圧力ダイカストの高品質と重力ダイカストの低コストを両立させながら、高圧に起因する金型の損傷を避けることができる。




  • 物理的性質:アルミニウムは軽量で光沢のある金属で、電気伝導性と熱伝導性に優れている。密度は低く、約2.7g/cm3。
  • 機械的性質:アルミニウムは強度と硬度は比較的低いが、延性と塑性に優れている。そのため、ダイカスト鋳造の過程でアルミニウムが流動しやすく、金型に充填されやすいのです。
  • 耐食性:アルミニウムは特定の環境下で酸化しやすく、酸化アルミニウムの緻密な保護層が形成され、耐食性の向上に役立つ。
  • 用途アルミニウムは、ダイカスト業界で最も一般的に使用される材料のひとつであり、自動車、電子機器、建設、消費財などに幅広く使用されている。


  • 物理的性質:亜鉛は灰色の光沢のある金属で、密度が高い(1立方センチメートル当たり約7.14グラム)。
  • 機械的性質:亜鉛の強度と硬度は比較的低いが、延性と塑性に優れている。ダイカストプロセスでは、亜鉛は素早く流れ、金型に充填されます。
  • 耐食性:亜鉛は湿度の高い環境では酸化しやすく、酸化亜鉛保護層を形成することで耐食性を向上させる。


  • 物理的性質:マグネシウムは軽量で光沢のある金属で、密度が低い(約1.74グラム/立方センチ)。
  • 機械的性質:マグネシウムは強度と剛性が高く、延性と塑性にも優れている。ダイカスト工程では、マグネシウムは素早く流動し、金型を満たします。
  • 耐食性:マグネシウムの耐食性は比較的低く、耐食性を高めるには表面処理やコーティングが必要。



ADC12 aluminum alloy materials
Zinc Alloy Die Casting
magnesium alloys services











  • 高精度:ダイカストプロセスは、高精度で寸法安定性の高い部品を製造することができます。ダイカスト部品の寸法精度は、金型の設計と製造の精度、金属を注入する際の圧力と温度の制御により、非常に高くなります。
  • 高い生産効率:ダイカスト製造工程は高度に自動化されており、生産効率が高い。ダイカスト部品の寸法精度は、金型の設計と製造の精密さ、金属を注入する際の圧力と温度の制御により、非常に高くなっています。
  • コスト削減:ダイカスト部品は一度に成形されるため、その後の機械加工や調整は不要です。そのため、後加工のコストと時間が大幅に削減され、生産効率が向上します。
  • 素材をフル活用:ダイカストプロセスでは、金属材料をフルに活用することができます。金属は高圧で金型に注入されるため、金型全体に均等に行き渡り、未使用部分が残りません。
  • 強い適用性:ダイカストプロセスは、複雑な形状、小さなサイズ、軽量のさまざまな部品の製造に使用できます。そのため、自動車、電子機器、消費財など、多くの産業で好まれている製造方法です。
  • 高いカスタマイズ性:ダイカスト金型の設計と製造は比較的柔軟で、顧客のニーズに応じてカスタマイズできる。このため、ダイカスト鋳造プロセスは、さまざまな特定のニーズや設計要件を満たすことができます。
  • 環境にやさしい: ダイカストプロセスは、他の製造方法よりも廃棄物やオフガスの発生が少ない。また、技術の進歩に伴い、多くのダイカスト装置は環境に優しい設計を採用し、環境への影響をさらに軽減しています。
  • 自動化が容易:ダイカスト工程は自動化生産が容易である。先進的なロボットと自動化設備を使用することで、効率的で連続的な生産を実現し、手作業の介入を減らし、生産効率と品質を向上させることができます。
  • 迅速な金型交換:ダイカスト生産では、金型の交換は比較的迅速かつ簡単です。そのため、複数の異なる部品を生産したり、小ロットで生産したりする場合、費用対効果が高くなります。
  • 優れた機械的特性:ダイカスト部品は通常、強度、硬度、耐摩耗性、耐食性などの機械的特性に優れています。そのため、様々な過酷な環境下でも安定した性能を維持することができます。







ダイカスト部品は、ハウジングやコネクターの製造に使用される、 ヒートシンクなどの電子機器に使用される。これらの部品は、しばしば良好な導電性と耐食性を必要とする。








の中で 家具産業ダイカスト・プロセスは、椅子やテーブルのような家具の部品を製造するために一般的に使用されている。






  • 金型はダイカスト鋳造の中核であり、その品質は最終製品の品質と性能に直接影響する。
  • 金型の設計と製造は、金型の精度、強度、耐久性を確保するために、厳格な基準と仕様に従う必要がある。
  • 製造工程では、金型が正常に作動するよう定期的に検査し、メンテナンスする必要がある。



  • ミンドウェルが購入する金属材料は、関連規格および仕様に準拠し、その組成および物理的特性が要件を満たしていることを確認するために厳格な検査および試験を受ける必要があります。
  • 保管中および輸送中は、原材料の汚染や損傷を避けるべきである。


  • ダイカストの製造工程は、各工程の安定性と一貫性を確保するために厳密に管理される必要がある。
  • 射出圧力、射出速度、金型温度などの製造工程中のパラメータは、金属充填の均一性と完全性を確保するために正確に制御されなければならない。
  • 生産工程では、装置の安定性と信頼性を確保するため、定期的な検査とメンテナンスが必要である。


  • ダイカスト製品は、製造中も製造後も厳しい検査とテストが必要です。
  • 外観検査、寸法測定、機械的特性試験などを通じて、製品の総合的な評価を行う。
  • 不適格な製品については、市場に出回らないよう、時間内に作り直すか廃棄する必要がある。


  • ミンドウェル社は完璧な品質管理システムを確立した。
  • ミンドウェルは、明確な品質基準と業務手順を策定することで、各部門と従業員がそれぞれの責任と要件を明確にするようにしています。
  • 当社の品質管理システムは、変化する市場ニーズや技術開発に合わせて定期的に見直され、改善されている。


  • 従業員はダイカスト製造工程における重要な要素であり、そのスキルと意識は製品の品質に直接的な影響を与える。
  • ミンドウェル社は、ダイカスト工程における重要な技術と品質管理要件を理解し習得できるよう、従業員に対して定期的な研修とスキルアップを提供している。
  • 従業員の品質意識を向上させ、品質基準や業務手順を意識的に遵守できるようにする。


  • ダイカストの品質管理は継続的な改善プロセスです。Mindwellのエンジニアは、問題を特定し、改善のための適切な措置を講じるために、生産プロセス中のデータを収集および分析します。
  • Mindwellは、従業員の意見や改善提案を奨励し、革新的な精神を刺激し、ダイカスト技術の継続的な進歩を推進しています。





  1. 排気ガスを減らすためには、以下のような対策が考えられる:
  2. 排気ガスが環境保護基準に適合するよう、排気ガスをろ過・浄化する排気ガス処理装置を装備。
  3. 廃ガス排出を削減するため、密閉式製錬・注湯システムを採用する。



  1. 廃水が排出基準に適合するよう、廃水のろ過、中和、沈殿、その他の処理を行う廃水処理装置を装備する。
  2. 真水の使用を減らし、廃水排出を削減するため、水のリサイクルシステムを採用する。

Waste disposal:
During the die-casting process, some waste materials will be generated, such as metal scraps, defective products, etc. If these wastes are not properly disposed of, they can cause environmental pollution.

To reduce the impact of waste on the environment, you can take the following steps:

  1. Collect and process waste materials into categories, such as metal scraps that can be recycled and reused and defective products that can be sold as scrap or otherwise processed.
  2. Use environmentally friendly and recyclable materials to manufacture molds and auxiliary equipment to reduce the consumption of resources.
    Centralize the processing, recycling and reuse of recyclable waste materials, such as sending them to professional recycling companies for recycling and reuse.

Die casting case

A manufacturer in a certain country needs to produce a complex aluminum alloy die casting for use in parts of their equipment. In order to meet production needs, we decided to use the die-casting process after in-depth communication and discussions with our customers.

Mold design:

First, Mindwell’s mold designers designed the structure and size of the mold based on product drawings and technical requirements. We used professional CAD software for modeling and simulated the flow path and filling process of the metal liquid to ensure that the mold could meet production requirements.

mold design

Mold making:

In the mold manufacturing process, we use high-strength steel as the mold material to ensure the stability and durability of the mold. During the manufacturing process, the design drawings are strictly followed to ensure that the mold’s accuracy and size meet the requirements. At the same time, the mold was heat treated and surface treated to improve the mold’s hardness and wear resistance.

tool manufacturing

Die casting production:

After the mold manufacturing is completed, die-casting production begins. During the die casting process, the metal liquid flows into the mold through the flow channel, and then solidifies under high pressure into the casting. During the production process, injection pressure, injection speed, mold temperature and other parameters are controlled to ensure that the metal liquid can fill the mold evenly and fully. At the same time, post-processing is performed on the castings, such as cleaning, grinding, polishing, etc., to improve the finish and precision of the castings.

die casting parts

Die casting FAQ

What is die casting and how does it work?

Die casting is a widely used manufacturing process that involves the production of metal parts through the injection of molten metal into a mold cavity, known as a die. This process is highly efficient and allows for the production of complex and precise parts with excellent dimensional accuracy.

The die casting process typically involves the following steps:

  • Clamping: The two halves of the die, known as the cover die and ejector die, are securely clamped together.
  • Injection: Molten metal, usually an alloy of aluminum, zinc, or magnesium, is injected under high pressure into the die cavity through a gate.
  • Cooling: The molten metal quickly solidifies and takes the shape of the die cavity. Cooling channels within the die help expedite the solidification process.
  • Ejection: Once the metal has solidified, the two halves of the die are separated, and the newly formed part is ejected.
    Trimming and
  • Finishing: The part may undergo additional processes such as trimming, deburring, and surface finishing to achieve the desired final product.

There are two main types of die casting:

  • Hot Chamber Die Casting: In this process, the injection system is immersed in the molten metal, eliminating the need for a separate furnace. This method is commonly used for alloys with low melting points, such as zinc.
  • Cold Chamber Die Casting: In this process, the molten metal is ladled into a separate injection chamber before being injected into the die cavity. This method is suitable for alloys with high melting points, such as aluminum and magnesium.


Die casting is a versatile and efficient manufacturing process that enables the production of high-quality metal parts with exceptional precision. With its numerous advantages and wide-ranging applications, die casting continues to be a preferred choice for manufacturers across various industries.

What are the common challenges in die casting?

There are indeed some common challenges with the die casting process, and below I’ll go over them in more detail and how to deal with them.

1. pores

Porosity is one of the common defects in the die casting process. It is usually caused by insufficient fluidity or insufficient filling of the metal liquid. Porosity can lead to reduced strength and corrosion resistance in the casting, and in some cases, the pores can even serve as the starting point for cracks.

To reduce porosity, you can take the following steps:

Optimize the mold design to ensure smooth flow channels and reduce the flow resistance of metal liquid.
Control the temperature and fluidity of the metal liquid to ensure that the metal liquid can fully flow and fill the mold.
Adjust the injection pressure and speed so that the metal liquid can fill the mold cavity more fully.

2. Shrink

Shrinkage is another common challenge during the die casting process. Metal liquid will shrink during the cooling and solidification process. If the shrinkage is not controlled properly, it may cause dimensional deviation, deformation and other problems of castings.

To control shrinkage, the following measures can be taken:

Optimize the mold design to make the heat conduction between the mold and the casting more uniform and reduce the difference in shrinkage of each part of the casting.
Control the cooling rate and temperature gradient of the metal liquid to reduce the shrinkage of the casting.
Dimensional measurements and adjustments are made during the production process to ensure that the casting dimensions meet the requirements.

3. Quality control

In order to cope with these challenges, it is very important to establish a strict quality control system. This includes:

Develop detailed quality standards and operating procedures to ensure that every employee is aware of their responsibilities and requirements.
Regularly inspect and maintain equipment and processes to ensure their stability and reliability.
Collect and analyze data during the production process to identify problems and take corresponding measures for improvement.

In short, there are indeed some challenges in the die-casting process, but by optimizing the mold design, controlling the flow and cooling of the metal liquid, and establishing a strict quality control system, these challenges can be effectively dealt with and the quality and production efficiency of the die-casting products can be improved.

How does die casting compare to other manufacturing processes like forging and machining?

Die casting is a manufacturing process in which molten metal is injected into a mold and then cooled and solidified to obtain metal products of the desired shape and size. Compared to other manufacturing processes, die casting offers the following advantages:

  • High precision: The precision of the die-casting mold is very high, reaching the micron level, so the dimensional accuracy of the die-cast products is also very high.
  • High efficiency: During the die casting process, the molten metal is quickly cooled and solidified under high pressure, so the production efficiency is very high.
  • Good surface quality: Because the molten metal is cooled and solidified in the mold during the die-casting process, the surface of the product is smooth and does not require too much post-processing.
  • Complex shapes can be manufactured: Due to the very high precision of die-casting molds, products of very complex shapes and sizes can be manufactured.
  • Low cost: Compared with traditional processes such as forging and machining, die casting is less expensive.

In short, die casting is a very efficient, precise and economical manufacturing process suitable for manufacturing various metal products, such as automotive parts, electronic products, etc.

Is die casting environmentally friendly?

Die casting is a widely used manufacturing process that involves injecting molten metal under high pressure into a mold cavity. It is known for its ability to produce complex shapes with high accuracy and excellent surface finish. However, when assessing the environmental impact of die casting, there are several factors to consider.

energy efficiency
One of the key factors that determine the environmental friendliness of any manufacturing process is its energy efficiency. Die casting is known for its high energy efficiency compared to other metal forming technologies. This process requires less energy to produce finished parts as it involves minimal material waste and shorter production cycles. The use of advanced technologies such as electric machines can further increase energy efficiency by reducing power consumption.

Materials used
Die-casting uses nonferrous metals such as aluminum, zinc and magnesium, which are highly recyclable. These metals can be melted and reused multiple times without losing their properties. The ability to recycle and reuse materials significantly reduces the need for primary metal extraction, thereby protecting natural resources and minimizing environmental impact.

reduce waste
Die casting is a near-net-shape manufacturing process, meaning it requires minimal post-processing. This reduces the generation of scrap compared to other metal forming techniques such as machining. Any scrap produced during the die casting process can be collected and recycled, further reducing waste sent to landfill.

Emissions and air quality
Although die casting is generally considered environmentally friendly, the process does produce emissions that need to be managed properly. Melting metal can release volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and other air pollutants. However, with the implementation of advanced pollution control technology such as exhaust systems and filters, emissions can be effectively controlled and minimized.

water consumption
Die casting requires water for cooling, but the amount is relatively low compared to other manufacturing processes. In addition, the water used in the die-casting process can be recovered and reused, reducing overall water consumption.

overall environmental impact
Taking into account energy efficiency, material recyclability, waste reduction, and controlled emissions, die casting can be considered an environmentally friendly manufacturing process. Its ability to produce complex parts with minimal material waste and its potential for recycling make it a sustainable option for various industries.

continuous improvement
Despite the positive impact of die casting on the environment, the industry continues to strive to further reduce its impact on the environment. Mindwell continues to develop more sustainable alloys, improve energy efficiency and implement advanced pollution controls. These efforts make die casting even more environmentally friendly in the future.

In summary, die casting offers a variety of environmental benefits due to its energy efficiency, material recyclability, waste reduction and controlled emissions. At Minidwell, we prioritize sustainable practices and continue to improve processes to further reduce our impact on the environment.

What recent innovations have impacted the die casting industry?

The latest innovations in die casting include advanced technologies, automation and sustainable practices. These innovations increase efficiency and reduce costs. These innovations play an important role in the field of die casting, improving production efficiency and reducing costs, while also contributing to environmental protection.

1.Advanced technology:

  • 3D printing molds: Using 3D printing technology to manufacture molds can achieve more complex shapes and finer details. This technology reduces the time and cost of mold manufacturing and improves the accuracy and durability of the mold.
  • Additive manufacturing: Additive manufacturing technology can create complex metal structures by adding materials layer by layer. This technology can be used to make complex die-casting molds, improving the accuracy and durability of the molds.

2. Automation:

  • Robots and automation equipment: During the die-casting process, robots and automation equipment can be used to automate pouring, picking, polishing and other processes. This automation can improve production efficiency, reduce manual operations, and reduce costs and error rates.
  • Intelligent control system: By introducing an intelligent control system, the die-casting process can be monitored and adjusted in real time, thereby improving product quality and production efficiency.

3. Sustainable practices:

  • Scrap recycling: As mentioned earlier, scrap recycling is an important innovation in the field of die casting. By recycling waste materials and reusing them, you can reduce the generation of waste materials, reduce costs, and also help environmental protection.
  • Energy optimization: By optimizing the heating system, cooling system, etc., you can reduce energy consumption and reduce the impact on the environment.
  • Environmentally friendly materials: The use of environmentally friendly materials can reduce pollution to the environment and also help protect human health.

Why Choose Mindwell as a Die Casting Service Manufacturer?

When choosing a die casting service provider, it is crucial to choose a company that can meet your specific requirements and provide high-quality products. Mindwell has established itself as a reliable and trustworthy supplier in the industry. Our company has the following advantages:

1. Experience and expertise
Mindwell has been in the die-casting industry for many years and has accumulated rich experience and expertise. Our team of professionals possess highly skilled and knowledgeable staff in all aspects of die casting. Whether you need intricate designs or intricate parts, Mindwell has the capabilities to meet your needs.

Mindwell also offers value-added services such as machining, finishing and assembly. This comprehensive approach ensures that the finished product you receive will exactly meet your specifications.

2.Quality assurance
At Mindwell, quality matters. I have implemented strict quality control measures at every stage of the manufacturing process. From material selection to final inspection, each step is carefully monitored to ensure that the final product meets the highest standards.

Mindwell Corporation is ISO 9001 certified, demonstrating our commitment to continuous improvement and customer satisfaction.

3. State-of-the-art facilities
The Mindwell Company is proud of its state-of-the-art facility. We have invested in advanced machinery to ensure efficient and precise manufacturing processes. Our facility is equipped with the latest technology, allowing us to produce high-quality die-cast parts with tight tolerances.

Additionally, Mindwell Company regularly updates its equipment to stay at the forefront of industry advancements. This commitment to innovation enables us to provide our customers with cutting-edge solutions.

4.Customization and Flexibility
Every customer has unique needs, and Mindwell understands the importance of customization and flexibility. We work closely with our clients to understand our specific needs and provide tailored solutions.

Whether you need help with design optimization, material selection, or surface preparation, Mindwell Corporation has the expertise to guide you through the entire process. They are dedicated to providing solutions that not only meet your expectations but exceed them.

5. Competitive pricing
Mindwell offers competitive prices without compromising on quality. We understand the importance of cost-effectiveness and strive to provide value to our clients. By optimizing the manufacturing process and leveraging our expertise, we are able to offer competitive pricing for die cast parts.

In addition, Mindwell Company believes in transparency and honesty in pricing. We provide detailed quotes that clearly outline the costs involved, making sure there are no hidden surprises.

6.customer satisfaction
Customer satisfaction is at the heart of Mindwell’s business philosophy. We prioritize building long-term relationships with our customers by providing superior products and services. Our dedicated customer support team is always ready to resolve any questions or inquiries promptly.

Mindwell Corporation’s experience, expertise, commitment to quality, state-of-the-art facilities, customization options, competitive pricing and customer satisfaction make us an excellent choice. When you choose Mindwell Corporation, you can be confident that you are working with a reliable and trustworthy supplier that will provide quality die cast parts to meet your specific needs.

mindwell office
die casting manufacturers
Mindwell Quality assurance
Mindwell factory